The web registration system allows Catholic University departments, offices, and recognized student organizations to accept event registrations and online payments.

It's an easy, secure, and efficient way to sell tickets, register for events, or conduct a post-event survey.

How It Works

A web-based application is created based on the criteria provided by the client. The link to this web-based application is provided to the client to be placed on their website. By clicking on this link, participants are able to access the application and register for the event.

Participants register and submit online payments online (if applicable). Each participant will also receive an automatic confirmation email.


The web registration system allows you to apply a variety of features such as: collection of payment, registration for multiple events, capping maximum participants, and an automatic email confirmation.


The web registration system is a secure site. All payment information is collected by an outside service, allowing for a secure and easy way of collecting event payments.

Payments are accepted via MasterCard, Visa, or Discover cards, as well as debit cards.


The creation of the web-based registration application, arrangements for financial reporting and other steps require adequate planning time. It is suggested that those interested in using the web-based registration services, notify us no later than four weeks prior to the first day of your intended registration.


If you have any questions about the web registration process please contact the Office of Events and Conference Services at 202-319-5291 or via email at